Current events have proven that development trends are now
individualistic rather than communal. This means that individuals seek/tend to
build capacities for themselves faster than institutions, companies or nation.
Based on this current reality, we are publishing a personal development
workbook which will bring the thinking experiences to your door step.
Thinking Field workbook covers;
* Introduction to thinking
* Trends in thinking
* Anatomy Of The Mind
* Micro-Reality work flow for two thinking
apps; 60 Seconds Thinking and SPANIS
60 SECONDS and SPANIS Web shall be
presented to the public in hard copy on the 31st of October 2014 in
Jos, Plateau State, Nigeria, in a Workbook tittled;
THINKING FIELD ... A Mind Development Workbook
While the digital
version will be released at a later date in 2015. For more, click me